Tuesday 15 November 2016

The Feng Shui Wealth Vase


Creating wealth energy and prosperity is one of the principle reasons to use feng shui. There are numerous ways to improve your income and creating more opportunities to make money through promotion, job advancement, and business opportunities. One of the favored feng shui additions is adding a fountain or aquarium. These feng shui elements are considered to be some of the quickest methods for stimulating income and asset accumulation.
Although there are many ways to stimulate income, an even better use of feng shui is to use it to help build your bank accounts.
The concept of the wealth vase is that it contains symbols of wealth, from actual money, to symbols of wealth and ease, such as clear round crystal balls, and items that represent wealth, like seeds that symbolize the prosperity of having plenty to eat.
These vases are often are given as gifts to temples and handed down from one generation to the next.
Wealth vases are symbols of enduring wealth versus merely having more money. Having money in the bank is always the best way to build security for yourself and your family, so look for ways to add to your savings accounts versus simply adding to your spending accounts.
There is much symbolism associated with vases – from the “ping” sound they make (which means “peace” in Chinese) – to the feng shui belief that vases capture and store auspicious and beneficial energy. Buddhism has eight precious objects, and one of them is the vase. The vase can be found in the footprints of Buddha, making them reverently and highly regarded.
What goes into a wealth vase and how they are prepared is quite special and an important ritual.
There is no exact science to a creating your wealth vase, but they should have some basic elements, like money, crystals, gold, or symbols of gold, such as gold bars or ingots. It’s also important that they are selected and stored properly.
These are the rules regarding wealth vases:
1. Store them out of sight in a cabinet in the bedroom, office, or living room.
2. Choose vases that are wide at the bottom and narrow at the top.
3. Select a vase that is especially beautiful to you.
4. Vases can be porcelain, crystal, metal, or earthenware.
5. The vase must be filled completely full and sealed with a fitted top.
Suggested ingredients to put in your wealth vase:
• Seven kinds of semi-precious or precious stones (lapis, amethyst, topaz, citrine, pearl, coral, crystal, diamond, etc.)
• A red envelope with three Chinese coins tied with red ribbon signifying wealth magnified ten times
• A small laughing Buddha or any Chinese or Tibetan god of wealth
• Small round crystal balls to signify a smooth life and lack of obstacles
• Five kinds of seeds or grains (rice, beans, dates, wheat, barley, lentils, etc.) in plastic bags
• Money or dirt from a wealthy person, or someone who has more wealth than you do. This must be given willingly and by asking and should not be taken.
• Pictures of wealthy people whom you admire. These can be from magazines.
• Money from nine different countries. Place this in red envelopes.
• Gold ingots or bars. Faux gold objects are fine, but real gold is especially beneficial.
• A secret ingredient: a very small globe to represent money coming from all over the world. Place this in the envelope with the money from different countries.
• Your wish. What is your desire? A yacht? A tall building? To do benevolent works? Include a picture of your heart’s dearest wish.
Once the vase is full, cover it with five squares of fabric. The fabric should be white, yellow, red, green and blue. White should be on top. Take cording in the same colors and braid it. Next tie the squares of fabric around the top to seal it shut. Your vase is now complete.

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